what is orthopathy?

Another word for Natural Hygiene is orthopathy. Dr Herbert Shelton, who wrote several books on orthopathy, says: "orthopathy comes from the Greek, Orthos, erect, regular, right, correct; and Pathos, to suffer. The word means Right or Correct Suffering, and is intended to convey the thought that when one is sick, his condition is governed by law as truly as when he is well.

Hygienic Review, 1943, writes:
Orthopathy is no longer a theory. In the honest and capable hands of Dr. Shelton it has become, beyond any philosophical and scientific doubt, a science.
Dr. Shelton has done to the health field what Darwin did in the field of evolution. Both men, in their respective fields, have done what others have failed to do and that is to amass and organize harmoniously an immensity of facts acceptable to almost every intelligent observer.

The comparison above, without mentioning a fundamental difference, would do an injustice to Orthopathy. I am aware that the main essence of evolution (that we descend from lower forms) is incapable of complete demonstrative proof; whereas, Orthopathy is capable of such proof and has given it. In other words, the former will always contain an element of doubt and the latter will not.

Orthopathy has passed the rigid and unbiased method of modern science, the induction - deduction method. All sciences owe their advances and stability to this method."By observation and experiment we try to gain a knowledge of the phenomena which we propose to study.Second, we discuss the accumulated facts, and see if they do not lead (Latin, inducere) to some generalization, or to some hypothesis which would link together the mass of facts (e.g., the hypothesis which Laplace made to explain the facts offered by the structure of our solar system; or Darwin's hypothesis of descent, by evolution from a common stock, of all the plants and animal species which exist or have existed in past geological periods on the earth).Third, then we deduce conclusions from this hypothesis (we make deductions), leading us to foresee new facts; and these conclusions must prove to be correct if the induction the generalization is correct.Fourth, we compare our deductions with the facts already accumulated. If necessary, new observations and experiments are made, in order to ascertain whether our hypothesis is in accordance with reality", and the hypothesis is either rejected or modified, until we find one which agrees with the present state of our knowledge. A hypothesis becomes a theory only after such a verification has been made; and it may be considered as a natural LAW only after it has stood the above test, and the cause, the reason of the hypothesis, has been discovered." Peter Kropotkin.

"Orthopathy has passed the rigid and unbiased method of modern science"

It can easily be seen that if we accept the above modern scientific method, that the orthopathic theory has passed into the next step, the realm of natural laws.

The principle of Orthopathy has passed this rigid method of ascertaining the truth with flying colors if rightly conceived.If it be conceived that all vital action, under any condition, at any location or in any organ, cannot be productive of any harm; if all these vital manifestations of the curative powers emanate as a purpose from a hidden intelligence then it is wrongly conceived.
But if it be conceived that the same elements of health are the same elements needed in disease; that the principle of self-preservation pervades the body cells tor the benefit of the whole; that the same laws are in operation in health as well as in disease; that all vital manifestations are an effort of the body to eliminate the toxemia which threatens the domain of life; that, as Dr. Shelton has admirably described in his chapter, "The rationale of Inflammation,"
"Every disease is a curative process, but not all diseases are devoid of danger. One of the things inflammation does is to cripple or suspend the function of the inflamed parts. The process is protective, curative, first, last and all the time, but its location is often an element of grave danger. Inflammation of the brain or spinal cord may involve certain vital centers to such an extent that some vital function is suspended. The respiratory center may be involved and respiration suspended. Death follows. The cardiac center may be involved and heart action suspended. Death results. A bee sting on the eye lid closes the eye but is of no serious consequence. In a day or two the inflammation is gone and the eye opens. A bee sting on the glottis would quickly close the air passage, with no more inflammation than that which the sting causes on the eye lid, and the victim would die of suffocation. Not the nature and extent of the inflammation, but its location is the measure of its gravity. Bees do not sting the glottis but worse things than a bee sting may happen to it.
"Inflammation of the heart may become so great that heart action ceases. Inflammation of the lungs may become so great that respiration ceases, or, the lungs may fill up with exudate. In diphtheria or membraneous croup, the false membrane may extend down into the bronchial tube and cut off breathing. Inflammation of the kidneys may become so great as to suspend the function of these and death from uremic poisoning results. In all this the inflammation is a curative process but accidentally located in a place that makes it a potential danger to life."If it be so conceived, then science and philosophy have no objections to its validity.

What strikes any true philosopher or naturalist is the "laws of continuity and unity" pervading the whole universe. It is the keystone of all modern sciences. Do we find these laws as the corner-stone of so-called medical science? Absolutely not. When anything becomes a racket, it is no longer interested in such "trifles." According to these universal principles, Orthopathy, to be true, must include them. And it certainly does! These laws are the corner stone of orthopathy not to mention the universe.

Do we find this law of contradiction in so-called medical science? And how!

No matter what fields of science we delve into, we are struck with a wonderful and amazing fact its harmonious evolution and unity. By harmonious unity and evolution I mean that any demonstrated fact in any field is never in contradiction with another demonstrated facts in its own or any other field. For instance, it is the height of absurdity to maintain that a contradiction can exist at the same time. It is, or it is not. Yes or no. Do we find this law of contradiction in so-called medical science? And how! Their only prop, palliation, which is the mainstay of their institution, is beginning to lose its magic.
Orthopathy, as any correctly conceived principle should do, is in complete harmony with itself and the rest of the laws of the universe. Personally speaking, that is how I came to accept Orthopathy. I was a lay student of the laws of nature. Dr. Shelton's Human Life It's Philosophy and Laws, came into my possession. IT CAME, I READ AND WAS CONQUERED. I treasure it so much that if it were not that I want others to read it, I would want it buried with me.

Once this grant philosophical truth our ideas about the whole universe must contain no contradictions but must be a harmonious whole is fully grasped, we have to inevitably revolutionize all of our conceptions regarding nature in its entirety. Why need this be so? Because Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Social Sciences, Physiology, etc., become entities only because of us specialists. But if man didn't exist it would be just nature. Likewise disease(s) have become entities under the "specialists" of medicine.
One of Nature's great universal laws - the law of harmony is the cause of the stability of inorganic and organic matter. When this law is disturbed, disintegration begins. In other words, there is "law and order" in the universe.

The universe is made of aggregations from a solar system within a solar system to an atom. Each aggregation is endowed, which in a way can be called self-preservation trying to maintain its entity, shape or form. In nature there is no exceptions to universal principles, the human body comes under this great law of self-preservation from the body as a whole to its simplest part the cell. Otherwise it would be difficult to understand how the human species survived without the guidance and "aid" of the high priests of medicine.

"Orthopathy, as any correctly conceived principle should do, is in complete harmony with itself and the rest of the laws of the universe"